Sandwich Generation

Sandwich Generation: Mostly middle-aged adults who are simultaneously raising children while also supporting and caring for their aging parents.

Image Details: Photos on the left behind me are of my parents and from my childhood. Images include photos of my mother on hospice in my home and my father in the nursing home. Photos behind me on the right are of my boys and husband. Wording around the image includes facts about the Sandwich Generation intermingled with facts about sandwiches. Stressed?! Keep reading.

Now, take a deep breath….slowly in…….slowly out…….and continue reading for easy self-care tips during this difficult time.

Tips for the Sandwich Generation

  1. Take time to recharge. “Self-care is not only essential for the caregiver — it is essential for the well-being of the entire family.”
  2. Save time while updating family. “Many caregivers feel like they spend half their time updating far-flung family members on the condition of their loved one. Having one central place where information is kept and shared with all involved in caregiving is key to simplifying and streamlining.”
  3. Share the load with your family. “A caregiver needs a safety net and reliable sources they can turn to for comfort and understanding without judgment.”
  4. Hire help. “Assuming it can fit into the budget, hiring help can be a wise way to take care of the parts of life — like cleaning — that end up getting neglected and causing more stress to the caregiver.”
  5. Talk to your employer. “Work flexibility is crucial to tackling your sandwich caregiver duties.”
  6. Let go of the desire to achieve a perfect balance. … 
  7. Determine your non-negotiable needs. “Caregivers have to be mindful of addressing their own human needs to preempt burnout or exhaustion.”
  8. Lean on support. “A support system is vital to the mental and physical health of the caregiver.”
  9. Keep perspective. “Remember that this time in your life will not go on forever”.

To view more from this series, click here.

Katie Linsky Shaw, Photographer, Photojournalist

Youth Mental Health Crisis – An ongoing photography and story-telling project

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